Interview with Charles Orsel des Sagets
Meet Charles Orsel des Sagets, Managing Director of E-pay Space, creator of payment solutions
There’s nothing like putting faces to names. Charles Orsel des Sagets, Managing Director of E-Pay Space, has entered our question box. A regular in the FinTech sector, he is also an expert in security and telecommunications. He created E-Pay Space with other financial Jedi masters in 2016 with a view to meeting a real customer need: that of having tailor-made payment solutions!
Hello Charles, would you like to introduce yourself?
Hello, Charles Orsel des Sagets, General Manager of E-Pay Space. Before joining the world of payments in 2009, I ran the 2nd largest American telephone operator in Europe, Sprint, for 6 years. I then had the opportunity to launch E-Pay Space to meet a real need in the corporate and private sectors.
What does E-Pay Space do?
EPS is a “Programme Manager “What does that mean? It means that we are launching end-to-end payment programs through cutting-edge technology. It’s a platform that enables the issuance and management of payment solutions. For example, bank cards, virtual wallets, or mobile payment. For a bank card, we will handle issuance, creation, processing, and payment network. So, we are a ‘FinTech’: because we are a financial technology.

So concretely, what do you sell?
We sell solutions that facilitate payment and expense management. In concrete terms, then, we offer services enabling you to pay company employees, give pocket money to your children, manage your expense accounts, or even facilitate payments online or abroad. There are a multitude of possible uses to which we can respond.
Who is it for?
It’s aimed at entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes, sectors and statuses, who don’t have the resources to set up payment solutions. This also applies to associations, public-sector organisations and private individuals.
So basically, you’re a bank?
Well, NO! We’re not a bank. And that’s the whole point. We have all the advantages, but none of the disadvantages. We’re much more flexible and agile, so we can deliver innovative, high-performance solutions in less time.
There are a lot of players on the market. What makes you different?
By controlling the entire payment chain as we do, we have become a true specialist. Few people wear so many hats and manage the entire ecosystem (Bin Sponsor, Processor, Office, Platform…). You have just one contact to launch an entire programme. This enables us to offer tailor-made programmes to our customers and let them concentrate on their own business.
Where do you see E-Pay Space in 5 years’ time?
In 5 years’ time, I see us having evolved and diversified our offering. We’re going to extend our solutions by becoming a processor ourselves, then an issuer, and why not become a new-generation bank. We will be supplying our solutions in Europe and the rest of the world. Our real vocation is to respond to the digitisation of the economy, to create financial innovation, where everything goes faster, where everything is easier. But for this to happen, we all need to be efficient and secure, while at the same time streamlining the customer journey, whatever the medium used. In 2 words, we want to become THE FINTECH REFERENCE.
If you had to define E-Pay Space in a few words, what would you say?
Instant, secure, flexible and personalised!
What is a Programme Manager?
How do you set up a neobank?
PSD2 in brief
Would you like to find out more about our solutions?
Custom-built or ready-to-use, we’ve got the solution you need!